Here's our team!
Smiling, and styling.  Each a trained and experienced play facilitator in the land of children. Each a certified Early Childhood Educator (ECE) and/or experienced primary school teacher.

PLUS most have special skills…like drama or art, singing or alligator wrestling.

They are the ones keeping the CDC prepped, interacting with our kids AND perhaps showing us adults some new ways to better play with our kids.  

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Back row (L to R)
Gordon Trites, Sara Varga, Natalie Meyers, Miranda Whist, Meredith Gibson, Robert Vine, Adam Theriault

Front row (L to R)
Lauren Haugen-Stanley, Deirdre Norman, Mandy Jones, Laila Baksh, Caitlin Raftis, Rachel Shepherd, Kristen Bellows, Pam Ho, Stephanie Martin

Matthew Tapscott, Donna Creigton